Vicente Meavilla Seguí
At the end of 2004 new book "Figuras Imposibles" by Vicente Meavilla Seguí was published. All artworks of the artist are distinguished by unique artwork technique. His technique is pointillistic and he uses felt-tip pens to color his compositions.
At the beginning he discusses about features of impossible figures, about their difference from ordinary figures and gives several principles of impossible figures construction.
The main part of the book consists of more than 40 artworks by Vicente Meavilla that were created since 2002 until 2004. Every artwork has a comment of artists, scientists, friends and colleagues of Vicente by University of Zaragoza. There's comments of well-known persons in the field of impossible figures such as populazer of Escher's works mathematician Bruno Ernst, mathematician Zenon Kulpa and artist Peter Raedshilders.
There's large section in appendices about two computer programs "Impossible Constructor" and "Impossible Puzzle" which can be downloaded from the site "Impossible World". These programs are intended to create your own impossible figures. It is given some principles of designing impossible figures using these programs.