Applied art
Artisti del Sole

Artists of the Sun (italian: Artisti del Sole) is a group of 3 artists who love to carve and decorate wood using concentrated sunlight by the mean of a crystal lens. "The Sunlight Carving technique", like they called it, gives some fascinating results. The artworks (bas-relief, sculptures) are full of expressive power and rich of natural energy, condensed in hours of patient and costant exposition of the wood to concentrated sunlight.
Artisti del Sole formed in the spring of 2003 in Tuscany, near Florence (Italy). They used to practise in a beautiful wood, crossed by a stream Rio Buti, on the southern hills of the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano. There they could enjoy the beauty of the nature and the power of the Sun, away from the caos and noise of the city.
They create two works with impossible figures, which you can see below - "Unending Recurrence" with impossible triangle and "Tibetian Endless Knot" with selftwisted ribbon.
Web site of Artisti del Sole
Unending Recurrence
Tibetian Endless Knot