Various artists
Ineke Disveld
Ratio onis
June 2002 I thought to combine the inside and outside on paper and on
the way there arose the hidden message:'what you see is what you know, what
you don't know is thát what you see.' Most suitable would be
stereography, because of the three dimensional inside effect. So
instead of psychology it became stereography. The typically repeating dots
or stripes that were put together as layers to get this effect seemed
impossible in the beginning. But with a lot of patience I began to
understand the distances and twists and within a couple of weeks I
had a three-dimensional drawing on paper. Now it had to be turned into
visible shapes. I chose black and white to get the whole of the inside and
outside as two opposites, but still in balance with each other. Also the
extra colour is important, because the subject what the painting is
about, becomes more strengthened inthis way.
I will keep doing experiments wih lines and I will think up new methods that will make my paintngs even more complicated. The Latin is part of the riddle that every single painting of mine has.
Ineke Disveld
Official artist's site
Construction of numbers and letters