Album from exhibition in Contemporary Art Centre in Moscow in 1993.

Oscar Reutersvard biography (on 1993)

1915 born in Stockholm

1932-34 drawing-lessons from professor in sculptur David Katz

1934 constructs the first impossible figure

1935-37 studies at Otte Scolds painting-school

1941-46 lessons from Otte G.Carlsund

1950 and 1951 studies at Academie Moderne, student of Fernand Leger

1952 performs the first "bewitched" chain

1954 studies anaglyphic methods in Paris

1958 makes his debut in Stockholm with the anaglyphic picture

1968-75 experiments with topological pictures

1975-78 experiments with binocular stereoscopic "impossible" figures

1979-81 work with absurd balans relations of movable figures

1982 begins to generate "impossible" figures on computer

1985 constructs his first "impossible" figure of neon tubes on a monumental scale

1986 discovers the graphical design for the endless progression of "impossibility"

1989-91 draws "impossible" figures as cinematic accompaniment to Bach's fugues

1993 inaugurates an "impossible", three-dimensional monumental sculpture, constructed by means of laser (rays)