
News of 2017

30.12.2017 Artwork '"Dit is geen Kubus!" Ceci n'est pas un Cube' by Jos de Mey.

29.12.2017 Screenshots from point-and-click game The Silent Age.

28.12.2017 Artwork Vreemdsoortig "Boorplatformonderdeel" by Jos de Mey.

25.12.2017 CD cover of album "Dystopia" of prog metal group Palpable Defeat.

24.12.2017 Artwork "Curriose Veezie van de Pragmatische Pergola" by Jos de Mey.

23.12.2017 Screenshots with impossible Pentagon logo from Scorpion TV series.

21.12.2017 Artwork "Tussenboogse Dromer in Waterland" by Jos de Mey.

20.12.2017 Fan art on Monument Valley game by Drawerpunk (Asten94).

19.12.2017 Artwork "Drole de Triangle. Drollige driehoek" by Jos de Mey

18.12.2017 Very accurate photos of impossible objects by Johan Holmquist.

17.12.2017 Artwork "Dit is geen Kubus" by Jos de Mey.

17.12.2017 Screenshots from animation TV series Rick and Morty with Escher-like scene.

14.12.2017 Artwork "Gemaskerd Magritte-koppeltje in een marmeromlijsting" by Jos de Mey.

13.12.2017 An image with Star Trek character Spock by Casey Weldon.

10.12.2017 Artwork "De Narcissen de Nachtvlinder en de Lijst" by Jos de Mey.

08.12.2017 A screenshot from The Shannara Chronicles TV series.

07.12.2017 Artwork "Ode aan F.L.Wright en het Hilversumse Stadhuis van Dudok" by Jos de Mey.

06.12.2017 Sketch of impossible triangle with curls by Kiran Singh (gksing).

05.12.2017 Artwork "Incognito portret van een onbekende Dame" by Jos de Mey.

04.12.2017 Impossible bar stool by unknown artist.

01.12.2017 Artwork "Foto voor de identiteitskaart van een Homo Geometricus Magrittianis" by Jos de Mey.

30.11.2017 Artworks with complex impossible figures by Cristina Dominguez (cris_isinthegarden).

29.11.2017 Artwork "Steel-headded stone man by sun dawn" by Jos de Mey.

28.11.2017 Artwork "An answer without a question" by Dan Brenton (danmakesart).

27.11.2017 Artwork "H. Maagd met Kind, door de familie Hollstein welbemind" by Jos de Mey.

26.11.2017 Artwork "Inktober 2017 day 22" by Richard John Becker (rawjawbone).

26.11.2017 Artwork "Pseudo-Romaanse-Antieke Portiek van den Belgiek" by Jos de Mey.

23.11.2017 Fire Djinn's Temple. A fractal by Jan Jamsen (BoxTail).

22.11.2017 Artwork "Onmogelijke tweeling" by Jos de Mey.

21.11.2017 Computer image of impossible triangle in embroidery by Metatality.

20.11.2017 Artwork "Windscherm in een surrelistisch Landschap" by Jos de Mey.

19.11.2017 An Escher inspired cartoon by Wulff and Morgenthaler (WuMo).

17.11.2017 Artwork "Een bijna normale kubus restend (heel hoog) op een molig wolkendek" by Jos de Mey.

16.11.2017 Artwork with Penrose triangle by Uncle Peach.

15.11.2017 Artwork "Enigszins onlogische architektuur - ombouw voor een zeer logisch beeld van Max Bill" by Jos de Mey.

14.11.2017 Rendered version of Escher's Relativity by Stefan Krische.

13.11.2017 Artwork "Pascal bezoekt het strandmonument van Jos de Mey" by Jos de Mey.

12.11.2017 Photo montage with impossible triangle by Edyta Wieczerzak.

10.11.2017 Artwork "Horst Hollstein 60" by Jos de Mey.

09.11.2017 Ink and pencil image with impossible triangle by Gideon Bogan.

07.11.2017 Artwork "Vruchtenman in omkeerbare toestand" by Jos de Mey.

06.11.2017 Artwork "Sea of Machines" by Vlad Alexeev.

05.11.2017 Artwork "De omkeerbare Groentenman" by Jos de Mey.

04.11.2017 Artworks with impossible architecture by Fedor Van Rossem.

02.11.2017 Artwork "Labyrinth tussen vlak en ruimte" by Jos de Mey.

01.11.2017 A photo montage of a mountain with form of impossible triangle by Ryan van Dongen (MetolGuy)

31.10.2017 Artwork "Verdwaalde Magritteman onder een oude waterpoort" by Jos de Mey.

30.10.2017 New artwork "Axiom" by Alan King.

29.10.2017 Artwork "Kettingschakeltoren met Ballon herstelle en Retro-Architekt" by Jos de Mey.

28.10.2017 A cartoon with impossible cyclist by Boxpalm.

25.10.2017 Artwork "Reconstructie van een in de nevelen der tijden, verdwenen gebouw van de Grieks-Romeinse architect Escherios" by Jos de Mey.

24.10.2017 Artworks "Venus of Penrose" by Richard John Becker (rawjawbone).

22.10.2017 Artwork "Plechtige vernissage van het monumentale trappenlabyrinth" by Jos de Mey.

21.10.2017 Pencil artwork with impossible triangle by Alphaeus.

20.10.2017 Artwork "Ontmoeting van Escher en Rietveld in een virtuele ruimte van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

19.10.2017 An image from Universal Transmissions series by Hakan Hisim.

18.10.2017 Artwork "Enigmatische Draagconstructie voor een Reuzenkristalklomp" by Jos de Mey.

17.10.2017 Extremly complex impossible figures by Thomas Aaron Davis

16.10.2017 Artwork "'Knock-out' van de Grote Witte Beer na contactname met de Post-Escheriaanse Architectuur" by Jos de Mey.

15.10.2017 Sacred geometry symbol Sri Yantra with impossible cube by Aleksandra Slowik.

14.10.2017 Artwork "Kwadraatvormig uilenraampje" by Jos de Mey.

13.10.2017 Ink and pencil artwork with impossible cube by Angluhfeesh.

11.10.2017 Artwork "Hommage a.d. eeuw" by Jos de Mey.

10.10.2017 Photo montage with Penrose tribar by Emma Wills.

08.10.2017 Artwork "Dure steen van Magritte in een voordelige omkadering van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

07.10.2017 10 new images were appended to the Figures Library. Now it contains 1100 different impossible figure.

05.10.2017 Artwork "Twee, Compagnons de la Peur' van R.M. gevangen in een omlijsting van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

04.10.2017 Escher's Relativity transformed in Google DeepDream by Ewoud Vandenberghen (PersistenAura).

02.10.2017 Artwork "Escher-Bol en Knoop met Magritte man in een geconstrueerd landschap van JdM in Dali kleuren" by Jos de Mey.

01.10.2017 2 new image by Julien Roques (Freak Fabric) were appended.

30.09.2017 Artwork "De Venus van Cranach verbergt zich voor een Burgermannetje" by Jos de Mey.

29.09.2017 Artwork "Bird in the cage - 2" by Vlad Alexeev.

28.09.2017 Artwork "Vrouwelijke Portret-Buste van Bartolomeo da Venezia in een nieuwe" by Jos de Mey.

27.09.2017 34 new images of impossible figure by Viktor Fesenko were appended.

26.09.2017 Artwork "Stilleven style 1930-1994" by Jos de Mey.

25.09.2017 Computer image with impossible triangle by KubMakCZ.

24.09.2017 Artwork "Vlaamse Gastronomie in een bedrieglijk Kader" by Jos de Mey.

22.09.2017 Artwork "Impossible Call" by Wiley Wallace.

21.09.2017 Artwork "Stil-life with Icosahedron" by Jos de Mey.

20.09.2017 Photo montage "Under the Corner" by Erik Johansson.

19.09.2017 Artwork "Stil-leven met holle Icosaedron" by Jos de Mey.

18.09.2017 Artworks "The Tale of the Lost Space" by Victor Molev.

15.09.2017 Artwork "Rekonstuktieprojekt van een Megalieten - Hoogbouw" by Jos de Mey.

14.09.2017 Doggies paradox by Tina Shan.

13.09.2017 Artwork "Een Trap van, zware, stenen, naar, lichte, wolken" by Jos de Mey.

12.09.2017 4 new drawings by Tiago Hands were appended.

11.09.2017 Artwork "Botero vogeltje in bewondering voor een half-zachte onmogelijke constructie van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

10.09.2017 Sketch of tattoo with skull and impossible triangle by Mick Grimes (Bailey).

08.09.2017 Artwork "Nature morte devant une petite fenetre bien drole" by Jos de Mey.

07.09.2017 10 new artworks by Vadim Dubinin were appended.

07.09.2017 Artwork "Het gacamoufleerde fruitpaar van Magritte als getuige bij de osmose van een boom met de boogjesarchitektuur van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

05.09.2017 3 new artworks with impossible triangles by Antonio Eder.

04.09.2017 Artwork "Winterzicht van de onvoltooide Pergola uit 1980" by Jos de Mey.

03.09.2017 Artwork "Nuclear danger" by Vlad Alexeev.

02.09.2017 Artwork "Uitgegraven en opgerichte Graszodenboom" by Jos de Mey.

01.09.2017 Escher's Waterfall inspired artwork with Discord from My Little Pony by Hinoraito.

29.08.2017 Artwork "Pythagoreisch-Cyclopsche Constructie met geometrische nep-Figuur an Academisch Naakt" by Jos de Mey.

28.08.2017 Images of complex impossible figures by Bucwah.

27.08.2017 Artwork "Lichtkleurige Boompergola met vijvertjes voor Griekse Bron-sculptuur" by Jos de Mey.

25.08.2017 Rendering of Penrose triangle in beach style BigHM.

24.08.2017 Artwork "La Folie des Grandeur van Margriet, gevangen in een bouwsel van JdM" by Jos de Mey.

23.08.2017 Impossible logo projects by Julien Roques (Freak Fabric).

23.08.2017 Artwork "Chaotisch-ogende Etagere voor een Precieuse Kunst-Collectie" by Jos de Mey.

22.08.2017 New artwork "Simulacra Dawn" by Alan King.

21.08.2017 Artwork "Modern-Art Building met mijmerende Architektenfiguur aan Waterspiegel" by Jos de Mey.

20.08.2017 A pencil image, which was inspired by Escher's Waterfall, by KassieMazz.

18.08.2017 Artwork "Souvenier van Margriet" by Jos de Mey.

17.08.2017 14 new images of impossible figures Regolino Bizzi (odonodo, regolo54) were appended.

16.08.2017 A computer image with impossible staircase by Bernhard Sandriester.

13.08.2017 A fan art image on Monument Valley game by Jenna Apisdorf (Ruby-Orca-616).

11.08.2017 Computer image with an impossible triangle and a bird by momoccu.

10.08.2017 Computer image with impossible cube by Pauline Otaka (u6o6u).

08.08.2017 Photomanipulated image with impossible triangle by s-leya-s.

07.08.2017 3 new images by Tiago Hands were appended.

06.08.2017 Computer image of eight of spades playing card by Eduardo Dosua.

04.08.2017 Artwork "Hats off to M.C. Escher" by Bob Op't Land.

03.08.2017 2 new images by Gnana Sai Reddy were appended.

02.08.2017 A portrait of a girl with impossible hair by Ramy.

31.07.2017 New image by Tiago Hands was appended.

30.07.2017 Computer image of an impossible green fence by Leonardo Digenio.

29.07.2017 Tattoo with Penrose tribar and mozaic by Jose-Antoine Da Silva.

28.07.2017 Photomanipulation image with impossible figure by Simon Braga (BaronSigma).

26.07.2017 Artworks with impossible figures by Michael Klaus Schmidt.

25.07.2017 Screenshots from anime TV series Maburaho.

24.07.2017 Artwork, which was inspired by Escher' lithograph "Reptiles", by Urugeth.

23.07.2017 An artwork, which was inspired by Escher's Relativity and animated TV series Rick and Morty, by Jacksonnnnnnn.

22.07.2017 Artwork "The End of the Story" by Sandro del Prete.

21.07.2017 A poster for Puppet Theatre Festival 2015 by Marcin Szmidt.

20.07.2017 Artwork "The Symbolic Hole In The Wall" by Sandro del Prete.

19.07.2017 Artworks with impossible triangles and squares by Ryland Peck.

18.07.2017 Artwork "The Passion of Jesus Christ" by Sandro del Prete.

17.07.2017 Impossible space invasion by Linwelly.

15.07.2017 Artwork "Hands and What They Can Do" by Sandro del Prete.

14.07.2017 Images for NTU art festival "Art Avenue" by Hau Yuan.

12.07.2017 Artwork "The Forsaken Paradise" by Sandro del Prete.

11.07.2017 Tattoo with impossible triangle and flowers by Claudio D'Abronzo.

10.07.2017 Artwork "The Mute Parrot Rib Joint Pliers" by Sandro del Prete.

09.07.2017 Impossible symbols by Galaxia Black.

06.07.2017 Artwork "The Pirouette Brace" by Sandro del Prete.

05.07.2017 An impossible curve by Fahguilahgoahg.

04.07.2017 Artwork "The Corkscrew" by Sandro del Prete.

03.07.2017 Screenshots from Japanese anime series Kaze no Stigma.

02.07.2017 Artwork "The Adjustable Wrench That Is Ready for a Bullfight" by Sandro del Prete.

02.07.2017 Tattoo with Walknut sign by Wesley Sewell.

01.07.2017 Artwork "The Metal Shears Ready for Takeoff" by Sandro del Prete.

30.06.2017 3D stereo image of impossible triangle.

29.06.2017 Artwork 'The "Circular" Saw' by Sandro del Prete.

28.06.2017 Computer image of impossible constructions by Games McGillin.

14.06.2017 Artwork "The Screwdriver" by Sandro del Prete.

13.06.2017 Pen artwork with impossible triangle "Penrose Universe" by DandyDoodleBug.

12.06.2017 Artwork "The Exhausted, Adjustable Monkey Wrench" by Sandro del Prete.

11.06.2017 Poster of the movie "Pet".

09.06.2017 Artwork "The Self-Biting Pliers" by Sandro del Prete.

08.06.2017 Impossible lettering of word LOVE by C-Front.

07.06.2017 Artwork "The Woodpecker Hammer" by Sandro del Prete.

06.06.2017 4 new origami works by Alessandro Beber were appended.

04.06.2017 Artwork "Unknown Amphibian Species" by Sandro del Prete.

03.06.2017 A photo manipulation image of impossible triangle by Zahir Chabane

02.06.2017 Artwork "The Drunken Wineglass In Love" by Sandro del Prete.

01.06.2017 Animation film VARKENTJE RUND #90.

31.05.2017 Computer image of impossible twist in space by Nishant Kothary.

30.05.2017 Artwork "The Art of the Drunken Wineglass" by Sandro del Prete.

29.05.2017 Screenshot from post-apocalyptic drama The 100.

28.05.2017 Artwork "The Paradoxiacal Botanical Box" by Sandro del Prete.

28.05.2017 Computer image of impossible castle by Benjamin Schoones.

26.05.2017 Artwork "The Perpetual Flow of the Five-Funnel Fountain" by Sandro del Prete.

25.05.2017 Screenshots and poster of movie "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb".

24.05.2017 Artwork "The Water Stairs" by Sandro del Prete.

23.05.2017 New cartoon by Antonio Eder was appended.

22.05.2017 Artwork "In Vino Veritas" by Sandro del Prete.

21.05.2017 Computer artwork "Sleepless" by Scott Tsai.

19.05.2017 Artwork "The Efficient Baby Milk Funnel" by Sandro del Prete.

18.05.2017 Artwork "Neutron star" by Vlad Alexeev.

17.05.2017 Artwork "... To Maintain Her Virginity" by Sandro del Prete.

16.05.2017 Photo montage impossible triangle in space by Alexander Lieven.

15.05.2017 Artwork "The Matterhorn" by Sandro del Prete.

15.05.2017 Tattoo with impossible triangle and snake by thefactsandlife.

14.05.2017 Artwork "The Bottle with a "Liquidity Problem" by Sandro del Prete.

12.05.2017 Computer version of Escher's Relativity with anime girl by Wenqing Yan (yuumei).

11.05.2017 Artwork "Klein's Bottle Trap" by Sandro del Prete.

10.05.2017 Rendered images of beaded impossible triangle by Jorge Plascencia.

09.05.2017 Artwork "Safety Attempt" by Sandro del Prete.

08.05.2017 Computer artworks with impossible figures and architecture on them by Gnana Sai Reddy.

07.05.2017 Artwork "The Torn Virtual Book" by Sandro del Prete.

06.05.2017 Design of bottle label for Noble wine with impossible triangle by Dana Parker.

05.05.2017 Artwork "Napoleon Bonaparte" by Sandro del Prete.

04.05.2017 Photomanipulated image with impossible triangle with a cow by Samir Hakim.

03.05.2017 Artwork "Turn, Please" by Sandro del Prete.

02.05.2017 Screenshots from film 'Yes Man' starring Jim Carrey.

01.05.2017 Artwork "Mishap, with Casual Correlation" by Sandro del Prete.

30.04.2017 Design of exhibition identity The Entanglement by Dev Ethan Valladares.

30.04.2017 Artwork "Playing Angels" by Sandro del Prete.

28.04.2017 Artwork 'The Continuous Paradox' by Vidushi Prasad.

27.04.2017 Artwork "Not a Kandinsky - Only an Anamorphic Illustration" by Sandro del Prete.

26.04.2017 A video of drawing in impossible Hexacube on computer by Tiago Hands.

25.04.2017 Artwork "Cathedral with a Surrealistic, Paradoxial Perspective" by Sandro del Prete.

24.04.2017 Escher inspired artwork 'Hands Building Hands' by Grafx-Guy.

23.04.2017 Artwork "The Liberation of Andromeda" by Sandro del Prete.

21.04.2017 Sketches with impossible triangle by Aron Romero (mosesmopenmopper).

20.04.2017 Artwork "Limited View of Long-Forgotten Cultures" by Sandro del Prete.

19.04.2017 New 10 impossible figures by Bucwah were appended to the Figures Library.

18.04.2017 Artwork "The Match On or In the Box" by Sandro del Prete.

17.04.2017 Advertising images of Arup by Radoxist Studio.

15.04.2017 Artwork "Venice Carnival" by Sandro del Prete.

14.04.2017 Artwork "Bridge Crossing" by Vlad Alexeev.

13.04.2017 Artwork "Natural Body Painting" by Sandro del Prete.

12.04.2017 Logo of computer program Affinity designer.

11.04.2017 Artwork "The Light-Dispensing Faucet" by Sandro del Prete.

10.04.2017 Impossible triangle on map of West Virginia by Zachary Meade (Blacksaw).

10.04.2017 Artwork "Circus Nostalgia" by Sandro del Prete.

09.04.2017 New image with impossible figure by Tiago Hands.

09.04.2017 Artwork "The Golden Cage" by Sandro del Prete.

08.04.2017 Artwork of impossible figure in five colors by Naomi R. Masingale (Koui).

07.04.2017 Artwork "Self-Pouring Bottle on a Twisted Page" by Sandro del Prete.

06.04.2017 Images with impossible figures with perfumery on them for Teaser magazine by Fabian Hellgargt.

05.04.2017 Artwork "The Twisted Monastery Fortress" by Sandro del Prete.

04.04.2017 Tattoos with impossible figures by James Henderson (ifnotforgravity).

03.04.2017 Studies of an Impossible Topographic Distrortion by Sandro del Prete.

02.04.2017 Renderings of impossible figures by Lazlo Bagi Jr.

31.03.2017 Artwork "The Time Trauma" by Sandro del Prete.

30.03.2017 Artwork "The Red Room" by Vlad Alexeev.

29.03.2017 Artwork "The Transparent, Hollow Ring Disk" by Sandro del Prete.

28.03.2017 A fictional advertising of Enigma Tea by Ivan Davydov.

27.03.2017 Artwork "Transcendental Energy Flow in Space, Motion, and Time" by Sandro del Prete.

26.03.2017 Photomontage with Penrose triangle in landscape by Yaroslav Zinyukov.

25.03.2017 Artwork "The Bridge of Life" by Sandro del Prete.

24.03.2017 Poster of art exhibiton Rundgang 2013 by Denis Yilmaz.

22.03.2017 Artwork "The Pursuit of the Lizards" by Sandro del Prete.

20.03.2017 Font with impossible figures ABEGON by Nik Fabrizius.

19.03.2017 Artwork "New Figure: The Impossible Ring Disk with Two Sides and Two Edges" by Sandro del Prete.

18.03.2017 Artwork "MISSinterpretation" by Sandro del Prete.

17.03.2017 Artwork, which was inspired by Belvedere and Waterfall by Escher. Author - Daniel Nieto.

16.03.2017 Artwork "Perspective" by Sandro del Prete.

15.03.2017 Screenshot from movie Knockaround Guys.

14.03.2017 Artwork "The Polarization Grid" by Sandro del Prete.

13.03.2017 Escher inspired cellar in Relativity style by Kevin House.

12.03.2017 Artwork "The Erotic Zipper" by Sandro del Prete.

12.03.2017 Pencil image of endless staircase grid by Tiago Hands.

11.03.2017 Artwork "The Wine Thieves" by Sandro del Prete.

10.03.2017 Tattoo sketches with impossible figures by Stuart Macdonald.

09.03.2017 Artwork "The Flying House" by Sandro del Prete.

08.03.2017 Computer image of impossible bicycle by Gaston Martino.

07.03.2017 Artwork "The Babe" by Sandro del Prete.

06.03.2017 New image "Impossible cars" by Antonio Eder.

05.03.2017 Artwork "Three Lights" by Sandro del Prete.

04.03.2017 Album cover of prog-metal group Need - "Hegaiamas: A Song For freedom".

03.03.2017 Artwork "The Gamekeeper Narrates" by Sandro del Prete.

01.03.2017 Advertising images Nixon watches by Le Quartier Studio.

28.02.2017 Artwork "The Never-ending Story of the Image in the Illustration" by Sandro del Prete.

27.02.2017 Wooden works with form of impossible figures by EleventyOneStudio.

26.02.2017 Artwork "The Juggler and the Jester" by Sandro del Prete.

25.02.2017 Computer artwork with impossible waterfall by Anya Kardash.

24.02.2017 Artwork "Knight of the Apocalypse" by Sandro del Prete.

23.02.2017 Poster with impossible figures by El Senor Gomez.

22.02.2017 Artwork "The Sculptor, the Dragon and the Virgin" by Sandro del Prete.

21.02.2017 Computer images of world famous places on impossible triangles by New Idea Studio.

20.02.2017 Artwork "Violence and Tenderness" by Sandro del Prete.

19.02.2017 Iranian stamp with impossible rectangle.

18.02.2017 Artwork "The Magic Window" by Sandro del Prete.

18.02.2017 Impossible triangle with dogs and squirrel by Rich Skipworth.

16.02.2017 Artwork "Sunrise in the Nature Reserve" by Sandro del Prete.

15.02.2017 A photomontage of impossible chessboard by Brigitte Kuckenberg-Wagner(Ottilia).

14.02.2017 Artwork "Romeo and Juliet" by Sandro del Prete.

12.02.2017 Tattoos with impossible triangles by Kevin Cole (umbrellaink).

11.02.2017 New photo montage "Impossible book" by Ricardo Baigorria.

10.02.2017 Artwork "The Hand and the Dancer" by Sandro del Prete.

09.02.2017 Tattoo sketches with impossible triangles by Ricckyy05.

07.02.2017 Artwork "The Bath Towel" by Sandro del Prete.

06.02.2017 New artwork "Deviation" by Erik Johansson.

05.02.2017 Artwork "Invisible Neptune" by Sandro del Prete.

04.02.2017 Computer images of impossible architecture by Vovus

03.02.2017 Artwork "The Astronomical Sundial" by Sandro del Prete.

02.02.2017 Advertising images for Stone Tile by Em Cheng.

01.02.2017 Artwork "The Railway Bridge" by Sandro del Prete.

31.01.2017 Logo of IT SEC company, which produces informational security solutions.

29.01.2017 Artwork "The Spiral Staircase to the Belvedere" by Sandro del Prete.

18.01.2017 Artwork "Double Castle" by Vlad Alexeev.

17.01.2017 Album cover and logo of progressive band Minor Plains.

16.01.2017 Artwork "The Twisted Pergola" by Sandro del Prete.

15.01.2017 New image "Unpossible rooms" by Scott Teplin.

14.01.2017 Artwork "The Crazy Table" by Sandro del Prete.

13.01.2017 Tattoo with impossible triangle on scroll by Jopie Lee.

12.01.2017 Artwork "The Warped Chessboard" by Sandro del Prete.

11.01.2017 Nicely rendered classic impossible figures by Q'Ri S.

09.01.2017 Artwork "Homage to Leonardo da Vinci" by Sandro del Prete.

08.01.2017 New artwork "Eyes" by Andreas Aronsson.

07.01.2017 Artwork "Secret Between Autumn Leaves" by Sandro del Prete.

06.01.2017 Calendar 2014 with distorted impossible figures by Anthony Tournadre.

05.01.2017 Artwork "Saint George and the Dragon" by Sandro del Prete.

05.01.2017 Tattoo sketches with impossible triangles by Chris Hill (armslikewings).

04.01.2017 Artwork "Between Illusoria and Reality" by Sandro del Prete.

03.01.2017 27 new images by Viktor Fesenko.

02.01.2017 Artwork "The Goose Queen" by Sandro del Prete.

01.01.2017 Poster with impossible contruction by Brad Klausen.

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